Tuesday, June 5, 2007

SEMBELIT again!!


Sembelit adalah satu masalah yang kerap berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak disebabkan oleh pemakanan mereka yang tidak cukup mengandungi air dan serat atau fiber, ataupun kerana faktor-faktor lain dalam persekitaran kanak-kanak tersebut.

Seseorang kanak-kanak itu dikatakan mengalami sembelit apabila ia membuang air besar kurang tiga kali seminggu; bila najis itu keras, kering dan besar atau; apabila ia menjadi sukar untuk kanak-kanak tersebut membuang air besar.

Menghadapi masalah sembelit

* Berikan air yang lebih

Minum air yang mencukupi dan juga cecair lain, menolong pergerakan najis yang lebih senang melalui usus.

Keperluan air seseorang kanak-kanak ditentukan mengikut umur dan berat badan. Lazimnya kanak-kanak dalam umur persekolahan memerlukan tiga ke empat gelas air sehari.

Selain itu, boleh juga ditambah dengan satu hingga dua cawan jus setiap hari.

* Makanan kaya serat

Makanan yang mengandungi kandungan serat yang tinggi seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan roti bijirin penuh boleh membantu mengatasi masalah sembelit.

Serat ini tidak dihadam, jadi ia menolong membersihkan usus dalam pergerakan, ia melalui sepanjang usus.

Sementara itu, diet yang penuh dengan lemak, bergula atau berkanji boleh memperlahankan pergerakan usus.

Serat ini lazimnya tidak digemari oleh kanak-kanak, justeru kita boleh mencuba buah-buahan seperti epal, oatmeal, oren, pisang, kentang bakar dan dan bertih jagung.

* Senaman yang cukup

Aktiviti fizikal menggerakkan lagi usus. Jadi galakkan kanak-kanak bersenam dengan melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti mudah seperti bermain tangkap-tangkap dan berbasikal.

* Jadual pemakanan yang tetap

Makanan merupakan rangsangan asli atau semula jadi bagi pergerakan usus. Oleh itu, jadual pemakanan yang tetap menolong mewujudkan pergerakan usus yang rutin.

* Mewujudkan suatu tabiat tandas yang baik

Jika kanak-kanak itu suka menahan bila masa hendak ke tandas, kita boleh memastikan kanak-kanak tersebut duduk di tandas sekurang-kurangnya 10 minit setiap hari pada waktu yang sama, sebaik-baiknya selepas makan.

Jawapan disediakan oleh Pakar Perunding Kanak-kanak, Dr. Mohd. Nazir Abu Bakar.


Why is my toddler getting constipated?
The most likely reasons for your toddler's constipation are:

Eating too many low-fiber foods. If your child eats lots of milk, cheese, yogurt, or peanut butter, for instance, and not enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, she could wind up constipated.

Toilet anxiety. If your toddler is feeling pressured about toilet training, she might start deliberately withholding her stools. If she shows all the signs of straining to have a bowel movement — stiffening her body, arching her back, and getting red in the face — but nothing comes out, she may actually be trying to hold it in.

Even if your child is potty-trained, she may not be taking enough time on the toilet to completely empty her bowels. That can lead to a buildup of feces that causes the colon to stretch and cramp. An enlarged colon can lead to larger-than-normal, difficult-to-pass stools, making your child even more reluctant to use the potty.

Dehydration. If your toddler isn't getting enough liquids, her system will respond by absorbing more fluid from whatever she eats or drinks — and from the waste in her bowels, as well. This can result in hard, dry bowel movements that are difficult to pass.

Lack of activity. Movement helps blood flow to your toddler's digestive system, so if she's not active, she may experience trouble in the BM department.

How can I treat my toddler's constipation?
Here are some things to try:

• Avoid giving your child too many foods that have a binding effect. These include bananas, cooked carrots or squash, and large quantities of dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Two to three servings of dairy per day are adequate for a toddler. (One serving equals 1/2 cup milk, for example.) For more guidelines, see our age-by-age guide to feeding your baby and toddler.

• Boost your child's fiber intake. Give her plenty of whole wheat crackers, cereal, or bread, and fruits and vegetables such as prunes, apricots, plums, peas, beans, and broccoli.

• To help keep your toddler's stools soft, increase the amount of fluid she drinks. Water is your best choice, but a little prune or apple juice might also help. However, you'll want to limit your toddler's juice consumption to about 4 ounces per day, to prevent tooth decay and a ruined appetite. She should wet four or five diapers a day or, if she's toilet-trained, pee at least once every five to six hours.

• Encourage her to crawl, cruise, or walk every day, to get the blood flowing to all of her organs.

• Massage your toddler's belly. Measure three finger-widths below her navel and apply gentle but firm pressure there with your fingertips. Press until you feel a firmness or mass. Maintain gentle but constant pressure for about three minutes.

• Don't pressure your toddler to toilet train before she's ready. Pushing her to use the potty can make her afraid or resentful, and she could wind up withholding bowel movements. If you notice your toddler doing this, increase the amount of fiber she eats (see above), back off on the training, and wait to try again until you've spotted the signs she's really ready.

• Encourage your child to use the potty as soon as she feels ready to poop. If she says she never feels ready, try having her spend five to 10 minutes on the toilet after breakfast and dinner. (Children who've been constipated for a long time may have lost the ability to perceive that their rectum is full.) Try to make this a pleasant experience by reading a book with her while she's sitting there. But don't force her to stay there if she doesn't want to, or she'll come to think of using the toilet as a punishment.

• Talk to your toddler's doctor about treatment options. She may suggest an over-the-counter stool softener, a lubricant such as mineral oil, a suppository, or laxatives if your toddler is very constipated. A glycerin suppository will stimulate the rectum and help your toddler pass a stool. While using a suppository occasionally is fine, don't do it on a regular basis, or your toddler could wind up relying on them to have a bowel movement.

Note: If your child is deliberately holding back her stools, treating her with suppositories or an enema could be extremely upsetting to her. Always check with your doctor before resorting to this type of treatment.

• If your toddler is passing such hard, dry stools that she tears the delicate skin near the opening of her anus (you may be able to see these tears, known as anal fissures, or a little blood), you can apply some aloe vera lotion to the area to help it heal. Be sure to mention the tears to your doctor.